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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Police  Commissioners held on Tuesday, February 6, 2007 in the Lower Conference Room, 3 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Mattegat called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT: Carol Mattegat, Gerald Finnegan, Richard Simon,  Robert Connor, Duane Giannini. ALSO PRESENT: Chief Michael Kehoe,  Captain Joe Rios, First Selectman Herb Rosenthal, eight members of public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Mr. Rosenthal is in strong disagreement with the Police Commission’s decision to remove the on street parking at Sandy Hook Center. While the Sandy Hook streetscape project was in process, Mr. Rosenthal said that a representative of the Police Commission and an officer were included. He said that Mike Burton agreed to give up nine nose in parking spaces and he would have four on street spaces. His tenants agreed to this. He said that going back on this agreement at this time makes the town look bad. He urges the Commission to reconsider the issue and allow at least these spaces. He said probably the biggest problem is the traffic light and there may be a sight line problem at 100 Church Hill Road and this space may have to be moved. He said that phasing the light would improve the situation.

Michael Kerler was a member of the steering committee and owns Sandy Hook Wine & Liquor. He is disappointed, frustrated and upset. He said the Police Commission did not do their job. He said we invited you to the table when we were planning the streetscape project but did not get feedback. He said the Commission was shown plans that showed everything they needed to make a decision on the project but the Commission said they only looked at the crosswalks. We want the four spaces in front of the stores. Safety is our number one goal. If someone makes a right turn from Church Hill Road that lane is illegal. Changing the light to slow traffic down is the solution. If the spaces are removed he will have to seek legal action against his landlord and he would lose much business without the spaces.

Bonnie Frederick owns Sandy Hook Hair Company. She has been there for eleven years and there have been no accidents during that time. Allowing a right turn makes it less safe and traffic moves too fast. She said merchants are sharing the four spaces in front.

Megan Williams, 82 Church Hill Road, said that the speed of cars coming down Church Hill Road concerns her. She asked that the Commission park at the Methodist Church and walk up and down the street. She asked that the speed limit from Walnut Tree to Sandy Hook center be changed to 25 MPH.

Mike Burton, 107 Glen Road, owns the buildings where the parking spaces on the street are located. He said that no one from the public has spoken in opposition to the parking there. He said that the parking is vital to the businesses and asked the Commission to reconsider their decision.

Attorney Rob Accommondo represents many of the merchants in Sandy Hook center. He said that the Sandy Hook Design District Guidelines state that this is a pedestrian area. Alternatives other than speeding traffic through the area must be considered. He asked that the Commission reconsider its position.

Mike Porco owns property across the street. He does not want to give up spaces in front of his businesses. Chairman Mattegat said that the Commission did not eliminate anything on that side of the street. Mr. Accommondo recalled that the Commission decided to eliminate one space on Mr. Burton’s side and one on Mr. Porco’s side that were closest to the bridge.

Deborah Zukowski, 4 Cornfield Ridge Road, is worried about the Middle School students that walk to the Teen Center and must cross Church Hill Road. She requested some presence there while they are crossing. She said we should have money to spend on other things than the Town Hall and the schools. Long term traffic plans such as bypasses should be considered. Look at two years of accidents and see where it would make the most sense to slow the traffic down.

Captain Rios said that he is working with the Middle School administration and the crossing guard to monitor students crossing to the Teen Center. The students are encouraged to use the sidewalks and the crossing guard is there from 2:10 to 2:20 when most of the students cross the street.

Commissioner Connor said we could revisit this in six months. He is not aware of any issues with the parking down there and no one spoke in favor of no parking.

Commissioner Simon moved  that no parking areas be established with appropriate signs and markings as determined by and in consultation with the State DOT. Eastbound lane Church Hill Road – 90 feet due west from the stop line and 30 feet due west of the westernmost prolongated lateral driveway lane between buildings 100 and 102 Church Hill Road. Westbound lane Church Hill Road – 80 feet due west from the prolongated established lateral curb line within the eastbound land. Second by Commissioner Connor for discussion. Commissioner Connor reiterated his opposition to eliminating the parking. Commissioner Simon at first considered eliminating all four spaces, then two, but now feels that traffic will back up the same with two or four parking spaces. He agrees with Commissioner Connor. He said we could re-address this in a certain period of time. He said that the parking in front of 100 Church Hill is an issue. We should ask the STC to change the timing of the light.

Commissioner Giannini said that when cars come close to the right shoulder to make a turn he has seen people standing on the shoulder. If leaving the traffic spaces intact is a calming measure, they should remain. He encouraged people who complained to him about the parking to attend a meeting but none have.

Motion failed. All were opposed.

Commissioner Simon moved to remove the one parking space in front of 100 Church Hill Road and to re-address the issue in one year. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Chairman Mattegat said there will be no striping to show parking.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Commissioner Simon,  the minutes of the regular meeting of January 2, 2007 and the addendum were unanimously approved as presented.

CHIEF’S ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT (January, 2007). Overtime 47.9% has been used and overtime was up due to staffing issues. Budget balances and GL Accounts were unremarkable. Fleet is statue quo. Two officers will travel to Ohio to pick up the command vehicle.  Personnel we are looking to hire another police officer candidate. Training report is included. Re-certification is ongoing. Letters of appreciation were received for Toys for Tots and Officer Stinson. The Town now charges fifty cents per page for copying. A training opportunity for the Commissioners is included. Conservation Commission sent a letter outlining its duties.

CAPTAIN’S OPERATIONAL REPORT (January, 2007)  included Motor Vehicle Activity Report, DUI Report, Monthly Calls for Service and Detective Division Report..
Captain Rios wrote to Board of Ed Director of Transportation Tony DiLonardo asking that the buses go from the Middle School to Reed School using Route 25 now that the timing of the light has been changed. Mr. DiLonardo will send a letter to all bus drivers. Also Captain Rios said that buses still stop on Wasserman Way to let buses from Queen Street pass which is illegal. Mr. DiLonardo will also write to the drivers about this matter. Captain Rios said that enforcement action will be taken if necessary.


Dauti Application for Amendment to Newtown Zoning Regulations regarding rezoning of 4.568 acres and site development approval, for Edona Commons Residential Development at 95 & 99 Church Hill Road. Three more units and a driveway were added but there is no new traffic study.

Megan Williams, 82 Church Hill Road, said that a new traffic study should be requested and asked where the visitors will park. Chief Kehoe said that in response to Ms. Williams’ request for a reduction in the speed limit, the Commission had asked the STC to reduce the speed and they refused.

Commissioner Simon moved that the Commission not approve the application for Edona Commons. Second by Commissioner Connor. Commissioner Simon moved to amend the motion to request a traffic study that includes the new driveway and seven days a week. Amendment and main motion as amended were unanimously approved.

Commissioner Giannini moved to add the letter from Officer Sean Buckley to the agenda, second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried. Commissioner Simon moved to accept Officer Buckley’s request for leave of absence, second by Commissioner Giannini for discussion. Chief Kehoe recommends approval of the request. Motion unanimously carried.


Discussion and possible action on Toll Brothers Application for Amendment to a special exception to construct a 54 unit elderly housing development regarding Regency at Newtown, Oakview Road last revised October 10, 2005. The buildings are being reconfigured. The Commission took no action.

Discussion and possible action on Highland HC, LLC Application for site development plan to include retail uses in conjunction with restaurant use and as outlined in the January 18, 2007 memo from William O’Neil, Chairman of P & Z. Commissioner Simon moved that the developer put a center turning lane southbound on Route 25 turning into the restaurant. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Discussion and consideration on Capital Improvement Plan, Police Facilities improvements and renovations. The Department’s request for funding for a space needs study and architectural plans were eliminated from the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). A special meeting will be planned with John Kortze, Chairman of the Board of Finance, to determine the steps necessary to get the request back into the CIP.

Consideration, discussion and possible action on utilizing additional Asset Forfeiture Funds (GL-187) for Command Vehicle. Commissioner Simon moved that $3,000 be utilized from GL 187 to cover residual costs for the command vehicle and that the motion that DARE expenses for 2006-2007 be utilized from GL 187 be amended to state that any shortfall be made up with GL 183 funds. Second by Commissioner Connor and unanimously carried.

Discussion and possible action on Strategic 5 Year Plan. Commissioner Simon moved to accept the Strategic 5 Year Plan, second by Commissioner Giannini and unanimously carried.

Commissioner’s Participation. Commissioners Simon and Mattegat attended a seminar concerning “Design for Application of Speed Bumps.”

Executive Session.  Commissioner Simon moved to enter executive session at 9:25 p.m. to discuss update on pending civil claims and to invite Chief Kehoe and Captain Rios to attend,  second by Commission Giannini and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk